
St David Awards

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stdavidThe St David Awards recognise and celebrate the exceptional achievements of people in Wales. They acknowledge people who are making a real difference for this country – either at home or abroad. They are great marks of distinction and the highest accolades that Welsh Government confers on our citizens nationally.

Unfortunately, in the ‘Culture’ category the prize went to, yes, you’ve guessed it, Owen Sheers.

Taffia Book of the Year winner Owen Sheers is one of the arts council and Literature Wales’ golden boys. If there is cash up for grabs you’ll always find him at the head of the queue. He was even made Professor in Creativity at Swansea University (great salary I bet!) even though his ‘work’ is so bad that it is laughed at around the globe.

The committee who can be blamed for picking this talentless nobody is here.

Money For Nothing

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Ever been short of a few bob? Ever wondered how you’ll pay the mortgage? The gas and electric bills getting you down? Well, never fear there is an answer to your problems. It’s called the Creative Wales Awards.

Linking up with Literature Wales the Arts Council of Wales’ Creative Wales Awards are supposed to recognise the very best talent and potential of individual Welsh artists but instead they get given to someone named ‘Wynne-Rhydderch‘ – that household name once again! What a pile of shite!

Along with Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch, are Jasmine Donahaye and Mab Jones. They will get the following:

Jasmine Donahaye – £20,000

Jasmine will spend long periods of time watching animals getting slaughtered then write about it. Wow!

Samantha Wynne – Rhydderch – £14,350

Samantha, who already earns a fair crust as a teacher at Trinity Saint David University, will basically waste a year of her life looking at things that aren’t books.

Mab Jones – £20,000

Mab Jones will get paid to learn all about ‘rakugo’ – a Japanese comic storytelling form! Unlike the rest of us who have to pay to get taught.
So once again the message is clear – change your name to ‘Wynne-Rhydderch’ and get given taxpayers money! Horray!