Month: May 2014

Pulp of the Year

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Yep, it’s that time of the year again when recycling plants rub their hands together with glee. For they know that very soon they will have huge piles of unwanted hardbacks, paperbacks and cheque envelopes to recycle.

This year we have old faithful Meic Stephens (again), golden boy Owen ‘can’t write for toffee’ Sheers, bursary queen Jemma L King, Tessa ‘I’ve had a bursary too’ Hadley and any woman with the surname ‘Rhyddych’ who is partial to a few bursaries – Francesca Rhyddych – amongst the great and the good.

And the winners are… all of them of course!  And the losers are… the real writers in Wales.  No change there then.